Strong colour, subtle shading: tone-on-tone schemes
concepts bring a sense of serenity to the bathroom even when bold colours are
used. One colour plays the dominant role in the colour
concepts bring a sense of serenity to the bathroom even when bold colours are
used. One colour plays the dominant role in the colour
Giving customers an idea of the colour scheme during a
planning consultation can be challenging. Workbooks
containing exemplary projects are a huge help.
Mathias Knigge’s presentation provides the products and winners honoured with an ZVSHK award.
The colourways are changing constantly. If still neutral tones were asked yesterday, today these are rather strong colours. In her presentation, Gesa Hansen gives an overview of the current color scheme in the bathroom and kitchen.
People who have to cope with physical or agerelated limitations know just how important a safe and easy-touse bathroom is when it comes to their independence and wellbeing. In his lecture Jens J. Wischmann talks about current developments of barrier free bathrooms.
colourways are the ideal complement to the philosophy of modern bathroom
planning, which tailors the bathroom design to customers’ needs like a bespoke
advance of the social media age is affecting the communication channels for the
sanitary and HVAC sector too. In addition, branding is taking on overriding
importance in marketing when it comes to sticking in target groups’ minds.
exemplifies a category of colours that enter into a permanent alliance with a
second colour and create something new. Like
grey, greige therefore has what it takes to become the new white in bathroom
new white for bathrooms? Grey is the common colour denominator in the
bathroom right now – with the added bonus that it never looks dated.