Interview Nexus Product Design: "With rc40, we're giving the wall an integrative function."


Ulli Finkeldey and Kai Uetrecht are Nexus Product Design and, together with bathroom furniture manufacturer Burgbad, responsible for the development of the bathroom furniture concept rc40. In time for this year's ISH, the innovative module system has been enhanced and extended by the addition of various new components. The collection gives architects and bathroom planners totally new possibilities for structuring the space commonly known as the "bathroom". In an interview, the two Bielefeld-based designers explain their ideas and visions of what living in this space can be like.  


Interview Annette Maria Sonntag: “There must be ways to make the bathroom individual and personal.”


With the Joyce collection Villeroy & Boch is presenting a concept that redefines individualisation in the bathroom and wants to give it a completely new, ground-breaking dimension. Joyce gives users diverse options to play with forms, colours and accessories and thus to shape the bathroom in line with their own individual ideas. In the interview, designer Annette Maria Sonntag talks about the development of Joyce. 


BetteBicolour: A seam that isn’t there


For friends of freestanding seamless monolithic baths made in steel-enamel, the company Bette from Delbrück in East Westphalia, Germany, has a special optical solution: some of the series are also available in the Bicolour version, that is, in two colours. The colour changes right at the transition point between bath rim and bath body, which gives even circular baths a straight lined character trait. 


    Interview Jens Wischmann Part I: “To start with, nobody could foresee that Pop up would be such a success story.”


    Busy Bathroom, Bathroom Bubble and Bathroom (R)Evolution – those are the titles of the most important developments taking place in bathroom design right now, discovered for the campaign “Pop up my Bathroom”. They describe the trends “Up close and personal”, “Room to retreat” and “On the way to an intelligent feel-good machine”. They have been compiled and described by one of the sanitary industry’s most influential umbrella organisations, the German Sanitary Industry Association (Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e.V., VDS), in collaboration with trend researchers. In the first part of the big interview with Jens Wischmann, the managing director of the VDS talks about the progress of this campaign. 
