Thorsten Moortz and Marie Striewe about topic-oriented bathroom planning with the aid of a tablet

Illustration: Thorsten Moortz
Background: Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e.V. (VDS)
Illustration: Thorsten Moortz
Background: Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e.V. (VDS)
Die freischaffende Planerin Marie Striewe
unterstützt vorrangig Privatpersonen bei der Neugestaltung ihrer Badezimmer.
Als TÜV-zertifizierte Fachplanerin für altersgerechte Badezimmer legt die
33-jährige Hamburgerin besonderen Wert darauf, Bäder zu entwickeln, die „heute
schon an morgen denken“. Kombiniert mit einem hohen Maß an Kreativität
begleitet sie ihre Kunden so vom Aufmaß bis zur Fertigstellung individueller
Manufakturbadezimmer, die genau auf die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden abgestimmt
Thorsten Moortz is a
speaker, strategy consultant and coach for trade, retail and industry. He has
been working with light for 9 years. More than 185 presentations, seminars,
coaching workshops, specialist articles, product developments and commercial
strategy consulting projects make him an expert on light.
In this session, bathroom designer and VDS-certified
bathroom manager Marie Striewe teams up with digitalisation and lighting design
expert Thorsten Moortz to show how modern methods can provide a fast way to
respond to customers’ wishes on the spot.
During the planning consultation, the
clients’ ideas can be vividly and immediately visualised in the form of
freehand sketches on a tablet. In keeping with the overarching
theme of the lecture programme – Colour in the Bathroom – the two planning
professionals will be giving special emphasis to the possibilities of designing
with colour.
Lecture: Topic-oriented Bathroom Planning including Lighting Design and Visualisation with the Aid of a Tablet
Speakers: Thorsten Moortz und Marie Striewe, Werkraum Bad
Date: Wednesday, 13. March 2019, 4:00 pm
Location: Saal Europa, Hall 4.0, ISH Frankfurt/Main
The lecture will be translated into English simultanously.
Click here for the complete programme.