Pop up my Bathroom: Photoshooting finished


The bathroom has never been pervaded by such an overwhelming sense of freedom as during this year's Pop up my Bathroom project: an extremely forward-looking concept for future development tendencies, make-believe bathroom scenarios (who's ever heard of a beer garden as the backdrop for a bathroom?) and, above all, an abundance of open sky.  

But that's also precisely what proved such a challenge for the Pop up my Bathroom team. All those outdoor shots. Not one of the locations provided any protection from the weather. On two occasions, the photo shoots had to be postponed because the weather forecast was so bad. Dauntless helpers, models and photographers waded through the shallows and slithery gravel beds of various rivers and streams. Special thanks are due to F., our jeep driver and scout – and probably the last of his kind. The photo shoot for the communication theme "Busy Bathroom" started off in pouring rain and was completed at stop-and-go speed. Our digital weatherman gave us a five-minute warning when a gap in the clouds was due, sending the stylist, towel-swinging helpers, bubble-blowing machine operators and photographer into a flurry of activity in order to ensure the precious shots were in the can as soon as the director shouted "action".  


We used the last few days of late summer to produce our key visuals. Director-of-photography-cum-model Karsten Jipp got to find out first-hand just how cold the Eifel waterfalls are (luckily without any serious consequences). But by way of compensation, the photos are convincing proof that it sometimes takes a generous helping of madness if you want to turn a great picture into a piece of poetry.  


We probably experienced the best moments of the entire project during the "Blue Hour" on the Indemann observation tower. It was cold, windy and breathtakingly beautiful. The tower vibrated slightly beneath our feet, the mesh structures flickered in the LED flames and we were kept warm by the feeling of being part of a proper movie. What a shame the bathroom was already half dismantled when the full moon bathed the tower room in an unreal light.  


Pop up my Bathroom is for dyed-in-the-wool adventurers, for pioneers who want to discover the unexplored depths of the bathroom universe. It's a good thing that we could slip into a nice hot tub afterwards.