Once the candles in the old factory hall were lit and the windows had turned a seductive shade of blue, nobody wanted to go home. Nor was the team immune to the magic of the half-forgotten rows of greenhouses and the wealth of little treasures they contained. And the castle at the edge of the Eifel Mountains seemed to us like an enchanted place wrapped in a blanket of snow. Each of the three locations was a challenge – for the logistics (many thanks to Elmer Logistik GmbH, without whose energetic and resourceful support the project would probably have been a flop), for the booth builders from the sanitaryware companies, who saved our bacon both in the factory and at the castle, for the stage builders and helpers who had to improvise constantly, for the models who felt the cold more than anybody else, for the “thinkers” in the background who had to haul the treadmills and grapple with the “artistic freedom” exercised by others, for the stylist, who was trembling with concern for each and every one of the babies she had brought along or borrowed (and who, although she didn’t lose a single soap beetle in the greenhouse, was nevertheless left mourning the loss of a vase) and for the photographer who had a hard time trying to please everybody and beat the clock (“Now the light is just right”). But at least he had the final word. The only individual with nothing to complain about was the cockatoo we borrowed from the nursery. Except perhaps that he might have been a bit peeved that there weren’t enough goodies to satisfy the cravings of the bird, the freelancers and the kids who occasionally turned up on the set. But then again, that’s an impossible task at the best of times.