Elisabeth Endres about new approaches in the construction industry


Elisabeth Endres works in practise and research on the interface of architecture and technical systems and their integration in building structures. She studied architecture at the universities of Kaiserslautern and Munich, afterwards she was a research assistant in the chair of Bauklimatik and house technology of the University of Technology of Munich. Since 2013 she is a project manager at Hausladen and as a doctoral candidate of the University of Technology of Munich member of the Internationally Graduate School for Science in engineering. She has teaching missions in the academy of the pedagogic arts Munich, and the colleges of Wismar and Salzburg.

In the course of the decreasing availability of fossil fuels and the resulting need for action, new approaches have been followed in the construction industry in recent years. The optimization of the building envelopes and the use of technical systems represent an essential adjustment factor.

This development of new building materials, technologies and planning tools offers a variety of possible solutions, but the number of failure increases with growing complexity. Lack of success and no longer controllable planning, implementation and operating processes require a rethink towards simple solutions through holistic designs.

In the development of building concepts, IB Hausladen understands "low-tech" less in the sense of "no tech" than in the sense of robustness against uncertain boundary conditions and develops strategies between passive and active components in the building design.

Lecture: HighTech vs LowTech

Speaker: Elisabeth Endres, IB Hausladen

Date: Monday, 11th March 2019, 12:00 pm

Location: Saal Europa, Hall 4.0, ISH Frankfurt/Main

Click here for the complete programme.