From turquoise to ultramarine: bathing in blue

Illustration: Blörn Steinmetzler, Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e.V. (VDS)
Photo: burgbad
is probably the most popular colour of all in European countries. We
associate blue with relaxation, the vastness of the sky and life-giving water. Colour
providers have greatly modernised the palette of blue shades in recent years, resulting
not just in innovative colours for the wall but in new variants for tiles that create
a cosy effect as well.
interior design world’s rediscovery of marble is encouraging the use of blue
sanitaryware. Combined with sand hues, blue creates a style
related to the popular Scandinavian look, and
anyone looking for an alternative to the hip black trend can opt for sumptuous
ultramarine instead. The more vibrant the shade, the more luxurious
it looks.