Do not drill, stick

Kermi Badewannenaufsatz PEGA mit Klebetechnik KermiGLUE

The new and innovative KermiGLUE adhesive technology can turn a bathtub into a fully fledged shower enclosure in an instant, with no need for any drilling whatsoever.

With Kermi's adhesive technology, selected bathtub screens in the Vario 2000 and Pega series can be fixed in place easily without drilling any holes.  This enables virtually any standard bathtub to be turned into a fully fledged shower enclosure in seconds, allowing you to take a shower without any water spraying into your bathroom. The new adhesive technology makes attaching components child’s play, with hardly any tools required. No dust or noise is generated during fitting, and no tiles or joins are damaged. It is particularly ideal for situations in which drilling is not allowed, e.g. in rented or student accommodation. This is because, when you move out, you can remove your bathtub screen without leaving anything behind, thus keeping your landlord happy. And then all you need in order to use it again when you move into a new home is a new gluing set.

Alternative for special room situations

KermiGLUE fixation

The KermiGLUE fixation to wall is attached to the shower enclosure, and then the glue is applied. The shower enclosure is fixed in place in the desired position on the cleaned surface and will be ready to use after a short drying time.

Alternatively, you might not be able to drill over your bathtub, e.g. if you are fitting a screen on a tile edge, if you have hard tiles, or if there are any pipes or cabling or a metal profile underneath your tiles. Needless to say, KermiGLUE is an excellent alternative for precisely these scenarios. The fixation to wall is attached to the shower enclosure, and then the glue is applied. The shower enclosure is fixed in place in the desired position on the cleaned surface and will be ready to use after a short drying time. And when it comes to durability, the adhesive technology is also supposed to be a good choice. According to the manufacturer, it is a highperformance glue that remains stable over the long term, is waterproof, weatherproof and non-ageing, and can withstand even heavy loads with ease.