Moodboards – Die Visualisierung von Stimmungen im Badezimmer

Moodboards – visualising ambience in the bathroom

Moodboards – Die Visualisierung von Stimmungen im Badezimmer

Planning a bathroom is complex, and every new bathroom is a one-off. All sorts of things have to be taken into consideration: the space situation, the needs and preferences of the clients for whom it’s being built, the budget available, its ability to adapt to changing needs and the taste preferences of its future users. But how can the feel of a space and interior design concepts be visualised? The bathroom planner can use computer-generated 3D views of the room and individual freehand drawings to provide as realistic an impression of the future bathroom as possible. An accompanying moodboard helps to visualise the desired atmosphere and assists the bathroom planner and architect during the planning process.

A moodboard for a bathroom design is a collage consisting of pictures, tile samples, wall coverings, material samples of the finishes, textures, typographies, colour palettes and descriptors. It incorporates all the interior designer’s insights so as to depict the material and emotional qualities the planned bathroom is intended to have. Essentially, then, a moodboard is the visualisation of the “gut feeling” the creative professional develops as the design and planning process progresses and therefore represents an important interface between planner and client during the formative phase. When it comes to finalising the interior design, it facilitates the decision-making process for both the planner and his client. The hands-on material collage is also an excellent way to assess all the materials and finishes in the context of the real-life surroundings, because the different lighting conditions over the course of the day and due to the mix of natural and artificial light can have a major impact on how colours and materials are perceived.


A moodboard produces a 3D collage that brings together all the elements relevant to the design on a single surface (max. size: A3). The makers of Pop up my Bathroom used the collage technique to help them visualise the Colour Selection and the 12 colour trends. Fabric samples, wallpapers, perfume bottles, plants and miniature furniture were also used for the visualisation of the 12 colour trends, resulting in 12 moodboards that not only depict the respective colour trends but convey the idea behind the lifestyle bathroom as well. On the following slodeshow you’ll find an overview of the 12 moodboards:

Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer
Moodboards fürs Badezimmer