Pop up my Bathroom Atelier: The Trend Forum for Architects and Bathroom Planners at the ISH 2015


At the international ISH trade fair in Frankfurt (10th to 14th March), the “Pop up my Bathroom Atelier” lecture programme will again be shining a spotlight on the latest trend developments in the sanitary industry. The Pop up my Bathroom trend forum provides an abundance of ideas, informative presentations and fascinating panel discussions with distinguished speakers and international participants. 


Green Light for Designpreis Halle 2014:
The search for designs on the topic of Water begins


Water is one of the elementary requirements for life on earth. The human body consists of 60% water. About 71% of the surface of the earth is covered with water. Water is our most important aliment and, among other things, it serves as a means for bodily hygiene, the preparation of food or for energy production. It offers recreation and pleasure and is, moreover, a very attractive and sensuous material. The Designpreis Halle 2014 deals with even this topic: Water. 
